Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Exercises to Get Rid of Love Handles Forever

Exercises to get rid of love handles forever need not be difficult, drawn out or confronting for you in striving for body beautiful . Despite the plethora of over information which sends out messages of procrastination and confusion to the reader, weight loss and fitness need not be complicated.

You see losing love handles from your mid section comes down to controlling 3 main factors. Fat loss can be a thing of the past for you if you focus in on and take action with:
1) healthy eating
2) targeted specific exercises
3) aerobic activity

Healthy eating really can be easy if you choose it to be so. I have personally had great success with following just a few rules and here they are.

Rule 1: Have a large glass of water before every meal and at least two or three more between meals.

Rule 2: Eat a minimum of one of these at every meal. They are salad, vegetables or fruit. It certainly is better to eat more vegetables than fruit due to the high sugar content in many fruits but let us not get too hung up with making the simple complex.

Rule 3: In between meals snack on nuts (in small quantities), seeds (all different varieties) or have the piece of fruit you did not have at the last meal sitting.

There are many more factors around protein, carbohydrates and your body type which need some examination but in simple general terms, which this article is espousing, these guidelines work very well.

Now onto key number two which is looking at specific exercises to get rid of love handles. There is no possible way you can expect to take 4 inches off your mid section and butt if you do 400 ab exercises and nothing else. This is an important point that many people miss. Nothing like this will work. You need to focus on ab exercises, sensible eating and aerobic activity.

Luckily, doing ab exercises and aerobic activity can be done in the one workout virtually all of the time and under 30 minutes. Here are some of the best exercises to get rid of love handles:
1. no momentum situps. 2. curl ups 3. crunches 4. side bends 5. farmer burns tummy flattener. 6. knee up crunches 7. hip raises

The main message for you in successfully losing love handles forever is this: focus on what you eat, do some aerobic activity at least 3 times a week for 20 minutes or more and do some specific exercises to get rid of love handles. Do not just look at one of these without the other two or you will generally fail in your fitness endeavours.

If you would like to learn how losing love handles and some brilliant weight loss tips will remove body fat permanently... even in your mushiest spots... without drugs, without supplements and without screwing up your metabolism, then you must check this program out.

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This is the No.1 rated fitness program.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

3 Of the World's Highest Selling Ebooks on How to Lose Love Handles

3 Of the World's Highest Selling Ebooks on How to Lose Love Handles

WARNING: These 3 websites have scores of testimonials vouching for the effectiveness of the techniques within and are have a 100% money back guarantee.

Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle
Burn the Fat: Let an Expert Bodybuilder Show You How It’s Done
Fat Loss - Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle - Diet Program
Reviewed by Brian Jackway
Current rating: * * * * * (5 Stars) One of the best programs available for burning fat!
Tom Venuto’s system works primarily because it’s realistic. It’s all about how to eat the right combinations of foods so that your body naturally burns more calories while retaining muscle. This 337-page ebook details exactly what those foods are (and aren’t) and gives practical suggestions for implementing these changes into your busy life. ...
This book has sold tens of thousands of copies, has many documented success stories and testimonials and is very highly rated by those that use it as a practical guide and easy to follow.
Tom Venuto himself is a very well know fitness identity with lots of credibility making this a great purchase for those considering it.
There is also a 8 Week, Unconditional Money Back Guarantee making this a risk free proposition. Click Here For Full Details
Now you can Download BurnTheFat From Here right now!

How to Lose Love Handles: Resource 2 # Highly Recommended by Thousands of Users.

Turbulence Training
Turbulence Training Does All the Hardest Work For You
Reviewed by Brian Jackway
Current rating: * * * * * (5 Stars) One of the best programs available for burning fat and has research backing up the proven programs!
If you are interested in fat loss as quickly as possible in the comfort of your own home, using simple workout routines that can easily be done first thing in the morning or after your children go to bed, without endless hours of cardio exercise, fancy equipment or expensive supplements
About the Author
Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Click Here For Full Details

Now you can Download Turbulence Training Workout From Here right now!

How to Lose Love Handles: Resource 3 # New Program with a Unique Approach to Fat Burning Utilizing Fat Loss Hormone Technology!

Fat Loss 4 Idiots
Rapid Weight Loss is the Everyman’s (and Everywoman’s) Weight Loss Program
Look Better, Feel Better, and Raise Your Energy!
Reviewed by Brian
Current rating: * * * * * (5 Stars) One of the best programs available for burning fat and using a unique proven approach via diets using fat burning hormone inducing technology.

Did you know that your brain controls the release of Fat Burning Hormones after each meal? It's true.
Every time you eat something there are 2 types of hormones released into your bloodstream, and together they control Fat Burning and Fat Storage.

Also, did you know that these 2 hormones are controlled by the foods that you eat? It's true.
Our Diet Manipulates Fat Burning HORMONES

Our diet manipulates these hormones.........so after each meal your body will produce a greater quantity of Fat Burning Hormones...........while Fat Storing Hormones are MINIMIZED as much as humanly possible.
That's why you'll be eating MORE THAN 3 TIMES PER DAY during the next 11 Days, because to alter these hormones correctly you'll be required to eat MORE than 3 times per day.

You probably find it hard to believe that eating more than 3 times per day could be the solution to speeding up weight loss, right?
Click Here For Full Details

Now you can Download Fat Loss 4 Idiots From Here right now!

It is important to remember that these 3 fitness resources have been tried by hundreds of thousands of people over the past couple of years. Good luck with your weight loss and fitness activities.

Create Action Plans for Losing Love Handles

Over many years in business and in life, I have noticed the tendency for ultra successful people to have short written down plans. There seems to be definite power in putting your inner thoughts down on paper.

Research shows you are much more likely to follow through if action plans are created, no matter the endeavour.

So if you have had failure in your exercise regimes and fitness programs, consider constructing a simple plan of action for your routine.

Typically start with your specific goal. For example, I want to lose 10 pounds over the next 30 days (put in date).

Then write down 5 key actions you WILL TAKE to achieve this.

Write down the resources you may need to accomplish the task... example - need to join the gym close by.

Write down the next action you will take and exactly when YOU WILL DO IT. That is - make a specific committment to take action IMMEDIATELY. Momentum is one of most powerful allies

Monday, July 14, 2008

Great Tip for Losing Love Handles

Recently read this simple tip and it made great sense to me.

Fill Up On Fiber.

What does this mean exactly?

Well fiber is certainly not sexy but it can definitely help you drop a dress size to fit into that slinky black dress. You see high fiber foods are remarkably filling. They actually work to prevent us from over eating as they take up more room in your stomach.

The result: A feeling of satisfaction with what you have eaten. This also means less food cravings on a daily basis which can only be good for you.

A daily recommendation for fiber intake by experts suggest 20 to 35 grams per day is a good allowance for maximum health benefits.

This one little tip executed daily can be great for losing love handles. Give it a go.
Losing Love Handles.

Friday, July 4, 2008

How to Lose Love Handles With the Help of Motivational Music

How to Lose Love Handles With the Help of Motivational Music

Completing your love handle exercises or any fitness workout can be greatly enhanced by the use of music. I am sure you may have had a hunch that this is so but now science has proven the connection.

Recently Brunel University in the United Kingdom put research to the test in regards to a link between athletics and music and the performance or output. But how was this test conducted?

The research team put thirty six fit men through a four hundred metre time trial using the no music at all. Then the same trial was undertaken using either medium or up-tempo tunes.

The results were fascinating. It showed that the pacing effect of listening to fast music or up-tempo music enhances runners' anaerobic endurance. Author or the study, Dr. Costas Karageorghis advises the stride to beat matching or synchronous effect can also work for runners involved in distance events.

Even without the study and using your own experience I have found using music whilst doing circuits, cycling, jogging, sprinting, skipping can have a profound effect on your mood. The feeling of motivation seems to be greatly enhanced especially if you match the beat of a fast paced song with the exercise you are undertaking.

Certainly boredom ratios can go down with music purely for the fun factor. So give it a try yourself. Love handle exercises like side bends, sit-ups, V-Ups, sprinting are a perfect match for the use of an mp3 player due to their small nature. I simply clip mine onto my waist and put the headphones under my t-shirt or singlet for the simplest implementation. Enjoy you next love handle exercises more than ever before.

If you would like to learn how losing love handles and some brilliant weight loss tips will remove body fat permanently... even in your mushiest spots... without drugs, without supplements and without screwing up your metabolism, then you must check this program out.

Losing Love Handles

Discover over 27 Unique Metabolism-Boosting Secrets for Getting Rid of Stubborn Belly Fat

Free e-Report for Visiting Today (a $17.95 value)

Just enter your first name and email below and the Free report will be instantly emailed to you. Inside, you'll discover that thousands of people around the world have used this program successfully.

It's guaranteed and thousands have got the results to prove it! Click This Link Love Handle Exercises

How to Lose Love Handle With the Help of Motivational Music

Completing your love handle exercises or any fitness workout can be greatly enhanced by the use of music. I am sure you may have had a hunch that this is so but now science has proven the connection.

Recently Brunel University in the United Kingdom put research to the test in regards to a link between athletics and music and the performance or output. But how was this test conducted?

The research team put thirty six fit men through a four hundred metre time trial using the no music at all. Then the same trial was undertaken using either medium or up-tempo tunes. Sure the athletes enjoyed themselves but what was even more startling was the results that came through from this exhaustive trial.

The results were fascinating. It showed that the pacing effect of listening to fast music or up-tempo music enhances runners' anaerobic endurance. Author or the study, Dr. Costas Karageorghis advises the stride to beat matching or synchronous effect can also work for runners involved in distance events.

Even without the study and using your own experience I have found using music whilst doing circuits, cycling, jogging, sprinting, skipping can have a profound effect on your mood. The feeling of motivation seems to be greatly enhanced especially if you match the beat of a fast paced song with the exercise you are undertaking.

Certainly boredom ratios can go down with music purely for the fun factor. So give it a try yourself. Love handle exercises like side bends, sit-ups, V-Ups, sprinting are a perfect match for the use of an mp3 player due to their small nature. I simply clip mine onto my waist and put the headphones under my t-shirt or singlet for the simplest implementation. Enjoy you next love handle exercises more than ever before.

If you would like to learn how losing love handles and some brilliant weight loss tips will remove body fat permanently... even in your mushiest spots... without drugs, without supplements and without screwing up your metabolism, then you must check this program out.

Losing Love Handles

Discover over 27 Unique Metabolism-Boosting Secrets for Getting Rid of Stubborn Belly Fat

Free e-Report for Visiting Today (a $17.95 value)

Just enter your first name and email below and the Free report will be instantly emailed to you. Inside, you'll discover that thousands of people around the world have used this program successfully.

It's guaranteed and thousands have got the results to prove it! Click This Link How To Lose Love Handles

I personally use an IPOD with over 200 songs on it and every time I exercise, I get a new playlist going and I find with this occurring I always have a happier workout. What do you think?

Does music really influence your workouts in a positive way?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

How to Lose Love Handles in less than 90 days

How to Lose Love Handle in Less Than 90 Days

To lose significant weight and to gain muscle and fitness, I have come across a superb routine proven by some of the best actors in Hollywood and wanted to mention this to you here.
With some proven results behind it (although I have not personally tried it) it relies on building intensity and some duration into your workouts but as always I gravitate to the easy to understand and execute workouts, which this is one of those.

See if this appeals to you.
Start by doing 100 repetitions of the following four to six exercises with 10-25 repetitions of each.
- Pull ups
- Push ups
- Hindu Squats
- Hindu Push ups
- Chin Ups
- Bridge (Back)
- Dumbbell
- Jumps onto a 60cm or 2 feet step or box
Each time you do this routine you add more and more until you finally reach 300. Your ultimate target.
This will take discipline but how to lose love handles in less than 90 days is very achievable with such a simple routine. As always eating properly (limit junk food to a bare minimum) is essential.
I would love to get your feedback on such a routine and I will try it out myself over a period of time and report back.

Recommended resource

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

How To Lose Love Handles Fast - The Tips, Resources, Techniques From Around the World

How To Lose Love Handles Fast

Welcome to my blog. I plan to bring you some great resources very regularly. I wish you well dear reader in your fitness endeavours.